Thursday 7 October 2010

i cant believe its you... part 7



MAFE SHA7AN??!! kilish mu wagta!!faj2a, ba6at.ha bache,,, she just sat there and cried and cried and cried... not knowing what to do,,, and just playing back the horrifying moments over and over again.....SHASAWE?!!




while she was crying she saw a familiar car park next to her...

its the guy who was asking for directions!

shahad: oh shit..

he came to her car and knocked on the window gently...

man: e5ty ba6lay dreeshtch

she did but only slightly, just enough for him to notice her crying face... she looked scared..

man: emm, ma an97ch tg3deen bl sayara l2na eli ma3ach ga3ed ydawrich weya rfeja.... 7sait ena fee something wrong so i came to warn you..

something about this guy made shahad feel comfortable... just the way his body was talking made her feel ok to trust him...

man: esmich shahad 9a7?

shahad: emm *sniff* ee, shdarak?

man: la eli ma3ach kan ga3ed y9ar5 on the phone and i kinda over heard him say your name... ur not safe here!

shahad started crying harder knowing that there was nothing she could do

man: umm please stop crying,,, i know this is none of my business bs hatha shnu 3la8ta with u?

shahad: he's my cousin

man: oo laish kan m3a9eb??

shahad: kan... kan... *snif snif*

man: did he do anything to u??

shahad couldnt breath,,, faj2a the whole world was black... oo she fainted

when she woke up she found herself in a hospital bed with a needle sticking in her arm...

shahad: wainy??

she started looking around for someone bs she couldnt find anyone...

then she heaard voices outside

…ya36eek il 3afya o5oy.. ma ga9art

shahad: a7med?

suddenly he walked in to the room....

the sight of him was frightning... he was paler than the dead and his eyes were red...

a7med: 7amdila 3ala salamtich

his voice was barely audiable,,, you could sense the fear in it but what u sensed more was anger and hatred

shahad: a7med..

a7med: sushh,, rest. I have a surprise for you after we leave mn hnee. He said that with a weak smile,,,

ana lazm arou7 shwaya 3ndy sh'3l… noora is outside in the waiting area, tabeen anadeeha?

Shahad: I just want to sleep,,, and she just closed her eyes..

A7med kissed her forehead,,, t9b7een 3la 5air

To tell you the truth she didn’t sleep… she just didn’t want to face the questions… she just wanted to be alone with her thoughts..

She kept her eyes closed,,, the bloodcurdling moments of what happened yesterday kept playing back over and over in her head and tears streamed down her colourless cheeks,,, she kept thinking of what happened, ga3da oo ta7med rabha ena the things went the way they did.. what would’ve happened if they didn’t,, how she got here, what happened to that guy eli bl fr3, how a7med found out…. She was so lost but so thankful…

Then it hit her…

Pain all over her arms and chest

She got up and went to the bathroom and washed her face,,, that's when she caught a glimpse of her face, she had a bandage across her forehead… she was taken aback by her sight

She looked at her arms, they were bruised badly where majed held her… then she lowered her hospital dress from the top and glanced at where he kissed her,,, it was a dark shade of blue and purple…

She looked like a complete mess..

She went back to her bed, and cried herself to sleep…


As he left, he closed the room door behind him and rested his head on it… he couldn’t bare to see her in that state.. kasra 5a6ra,,,

He was so angry, he was steaming!

He didn’t know if anything happened, all he knew was majed was at fault here and now all he could think of was beating the shit out of him..

Man: ha, sh9ar 3alaiha?

A7med: she just woke up…

Man: el7amdila 3la salamat.ha

A7med: asef o5oy but I never got your name?

Man: ana 3abdilra7man el flani,,, my friends call me 7amani

A7med: tsharafna, mashkour 3la eli sawaita,, oo thanx for calling me
Ta3abnak weyana oo I don’t even know how to repay you

7amani: ma sawaina ela el wajeb… 6ameni 3alaiha… ana lazem arou7 al7een, tamerni 3la shay?

A7med: salamtik oo thank you again

They shook hands and parted ways…

noora went up to a7med..

noora: ha 6ameni, sh9ar 3alaiha??

a7med: i think she's gunna be ok, bs sm3ay go to her house oo tell her mom ena btnam 3endkom blshalaih oo yebay hdoomha

noora: you're not gunna tell her parents??


he was shouting so loudly that people started looking

noora was scared, she knew a7med, he was'nt the type to get mad, oo wayed y6awef bs when it comes to the people he loves... he just explodes... especially if that person is shahad... oo when he does get mad,, as rarely as it may seem, let's just say you wouldnt want to be the guy that pissed him off...

noora: a7med... take a deep breath and calm down,,, 5a6aha il so2. oo im sure she's going to be ok... these things happen...

a7med: don't you get it.. he whispered

its my fault...i shouldnt have let her go... ITS MY FAULT ! IM THE ONE WHO LET HER GO.... THIS HAPPENED BECAUSE I...I..


i dont know what he did to her,,, bs i know one thing for sure.. mara7 yshouf youm ydeed after im done with him


a7med: malich sh'3l bs saway eli gltlich eyah oo i'll meet you back here in 3 hours. get your things ready too..

noora: a7med..

he turned and walked off...

Noora bbmed '9ari, meshari and yousef


to be continued