Saturday 4 September 2010

i cant belieive its you...part 4

noora: uff wain a7medo ?! yalla nabe nl3ab!!

yousif: 6awlay baliich ! shfeech akeed al7een byrid, dzeela ping

meshary: enzain shloun nl3ab truth or dare bdoon bal3a?! madre 3ankom bs tra ana 7addy yo3an... tkfa '9arooy rou7 iljam3eya yeb shay ngdar nakla snack, shay pleaaaase! walla ba6ny gam yzifny !

oo right at that moment a7med walks in holding two bags mn il jam3ya oo 9a7an fee popcorn

a7med: kahya il bal3a;p

meshary: aaalaaaah,,, walla 3la rasi ya bu sh.haab! walla enta el wa7eed eli fahem elm9eeba eli 9ayra eb ba6nii!

shahad: so that's where you were! 3ad ana mu mshtahya akel now

a7med: not true...

shahad: la walla mane mshtahya shay

a7med: i guess you don't want this then... i'd better throw it out..

and he takes out an ice cream from the bag

with that shahad jumps up and grabs the ice cream from him and hugs him really tight

shahad: embala embala ! ooo i love you 7amood !! thanQ thanQ!

a7med: i know *wink*

oh how he wanted those words to mean something else... how he wanted to say i love you sooo soo much more bs he couldnt, it wasnt the right time yet...

yousif: enzain sit sit! yalla let's start the game!

they were all sitting in a circle noora was sitting next to yousif who was sitting next to meshary who was sitting next to a7med,,, and a7med was sitting next to shahad who was sitting next to '9ari who was sitting next to hind who was sitting next to yousif.... and that was the whole group

meshary placed the bottle in the middle of the circle and he spinned it. it went round and round until it was facing noora and the other end was facing shahad.... it was noora who had to ask

noora: kaaak ok shahood, truth or dare??

shahad: umm truth

noora: hmmm,,, what to ask, what to ask....... oh yes! i have a question! ok, if you had to pick one of the guys to kiss, who would it be??!

shahad: ay shay nooro ! shal so2aaaal!! ya3ni ma ligaitay '3air hal jyaker !!

meshary: hoob hoob! ana el jaikar yal booma!

yousif: a9lan y7a9ilich bosa from these lips (and he starts pouting:P)

hind: chubaw ! yalla shahood jawbay bdoon ta3lee8 lw sama7taw!!

a7med bs tana7 feeha curious to find out who she would pick

oo '9ari lahey bl phone mala

shahad: hmm,,,, meshary.... insa!

meshary: haiw!

shahad:hehe:p, enzain,mm yousif,,,, i can't *wink*

yousif: ushhh!! umm, ee b3d who doesnT want to kiss me,,, ll2sf my lips mu lich (and he gives noora a small secret poke to make her turn to him and she smiled as he did:)

shahad: hehehe, oo '9ari , no offence bs a7isik mara7 ta36eenii wayh ! ya3nii a wasted kiss 3alaik!

'9ari ma kan mntbih a9lan

'9ari: ha, ee ok

shahad: anyway, so theres no one left to kiss '3airik enta 7amood!

noora: oo2 ooo2 !! ya ba5tik 7amood! sh3alaiiiik sh3alaiiiiik

a7med: afa 3alaich my lips are all yours ( and he started making a kissy face)

everyone started laughing and shahad just pushed him jokingly on his shoulder and said: yalla wely 3afeekom bs, can we continue?? oo btw noora ana awareech 3la eso2al eli mthl wayhch

noora just gave her the puppy eyes and said in a whisper: sorry hehe

and so they continued playing and joking and eating,,, it felt exactly like the old days, back when no one had a care in the world, back when they were so innocent, and free

anyway, they were all having so much fun until a question was asked..

a7med: shahad, etha fe wa7ed yalich oo galich a7ebich,,, would you give him a chance?

everyone suddenly fell silent, awaiting her answer

oo shahad started thinking about it and said:

shahad: well, if he really does love me, why not? bs etha byl3ab 3alay oo 3nda swalif 9bayan elyoum no way... oo 6ab3an he would have to be my type;p

meshary: 3shtawwww! you have a type?!

shahad: sh3abalik, mu ay shay ana:P

and with that someone parks his car right outside the parking... kanat sayara '3areeba oo it was fully tinted

suddenly shahad's mobile started ringing

and as fast as it started ringing, she answers it

shahad: alu?

majed: alu hala shahooda, ana majed

shahad: oh hi majed, shfeek, 3sa ma shar? b'3ait shay

majed: la eshar ma eyeech, bs b'3aitich eb kilmat ras... tgdreen etyeenii? ana bara bsayarty

shahad: oh hatha enta majood! new car?

majed: la my car 5arbana so i borrowed my friends car

shahad: oh ok, ill be there in a second

let me tell you a little about majed... he is shahad's cousin from her dad's side of the family (wld 3amat.ha) oo a6yab wa7ed you will ever meet, EVER, ma yfaker ela eb ra7at '3aira, 7ta lw ohwa mo mrta7, oo ma y3arif shay esma ,,, they were best friends since they were in diapers! she really trusted him and they always told each other everything,,,, he had so much faith and trust in her,,, ma kan yrtha 3alaiha, ya3ni if anyone starts talking about her he'd kick his butt, or if she does something wrong, kan y5ish 3anha and helps her until she fixes her mess,,, he always got her out of tough spots, and he was always there for her, and she was always there for him... he was loyal, and never did anything to hurt her...

anyway back to the story...

so shahad hung up the phone and excused herself from playing

a7med: ha, wain wain?

shahad: la majood yabee ekalimny bara

a7med: enzain 5aleenii arou7 weyach

shahad: shda3wa, its majed! mn mta et5af 3alay mn majed,,, i mean, it's majed!

a7med: madri, i still think i should go with you,,, just in case... ya3ni eb hal lail ma tadreen shnu y9eer

shahad: dont you think you're overreacting just a little?

and she just walks away towards majed's car

a7med: i have a bad feeling about that guy

noora: someone's jealouuuuus!

a7med: shaku,, he gives me the creeps,,, that's all..

as shahad walked to the car majed opened the window just slightly to show his face...

majed: 7ayach dishay

shahad: umm, shrayek enta t6la3

majed: la ana bawadeech mukan

shaha: enzian

and as soon as she got in and shut the door, he drove off

shahad: wain bnroo7?

majed stayed silent

shahad: aluu ma sma3tnii??

majed: bawadeech mukan

shahad felt like he wasnt himself so she stayed quiet

suddenly her phone started to ring

7amood calling...

shahad:alu ha 7amood

a7med:wain ray7a weya wld 3amitich?

shahad: madre, ga3deen ntmasha

a7med: enzain s2lee wain!

suddenly majed parked the car 9oub bara7a

shahad: shda3wa 7amood! yalla yalla w9alt bye (oo she hung up... well, she thought she hung up but she didint really... that always happens to her)

anyway she put her phone on her lap and asked majed:

shahad: majed, laish yayebni hnee mafe shay, bs bara7a,, whats up??

majed: ana yebtch hnee l2ni bagolich shay

shahad: shnu? yalla gool

majed: shahad ana... ana a7ibich

a7med was still on the line...and hearing that word was like getting stabbed,, again and again and again...

he was furious !! but he didnt close the phone... he kept listening to see redat fi3ilha...

shahad: umm,,,i love you too

shock and heartbreak is all that he felt..... he was numb

shahad: but not in that way

a7med was relieved to say the least... but he still kept listening

shahad: to tell you the truth, im in love with someone else

majed: MNU?

a7med: mnu???

shahad: my cousin a7med

to be continued

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